Hate In The Present

Hate was a huge factor of the past and hate has not gone down in the present. There still is hate in the world. There are hate groups that are still around from the past. Hate never seems to get better in the world. It seems to blossom into an extreme issue until severe actions have to be put into to place to get rid of the problems.

The Kue Klux Klan is a major hate group of the past was the definition picture of racism. The hated all people, not just African Americans which it is thought to be. Their targets were anyone who was not white and American. They captured people and tortured them.

The KKK is not a big issue in the present day but there are hate groups similar to it. There are different gangs throughout the country that live by the same idea of the KKK. These gangs hate each other and whenever they come across one another, it never ends up good.

There are terroristic groups such as Al Qaeda, that are founded on hate. Their hate is unknown. Most likely it is from ignorance and their unfortunate ability to not have understanding. Hate is a factor in the world that truthfully and sadly will always be in our lives.

^Sadly hate is still a huge factor in our every day lives.The biggest form of hate that the United States is involved with the war on terrorism. Not only was it horrible enough that terrorist would attack us in our own homes, but we are than attacking them in their country. Hate seemed to have gotten out of control in today's life.